On Sunday,
12th December, the Stockton Rambling Club will have three walks in the
Gainford area of
County Durham. All walks will finish in
Piercebridge {NZ210.158} - see the following maps.
Crown Copyright (2017). All rights reserved. Licence No. 100046831.
Produced using Anquet Maps.
A-walk will start near
Gainford {NZ164.171} and will take in a section of the Teesdale Way, Whorlton, Ovington and Caldwell.
B-walk will commence at
Whorlton {NZ108.146} and will visit Hutton Magna, Eppleby and Namens Leases.
C-walk will set off from
Piercebridge and will follow a circular route that will pass through Gainford, Dyance, Summerhouse and Denton.
This is a
Route 2 coach pick-up (Billingham: 9.00 am, Acklam: 9.15 am and Stockton: 9.30 am).